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Art Show: Wild Birds

Melba Finch with Face

by Rebecca Collins

Banner for Wild Birds art show

Art: Melba Finch with Face by Artist Rebecca  Collins
"Melba Finch with Face" is a follow up piece for "#3 Melba Finch." I chose to create this second piece, as I thought the two would hang well together. It is simply a decorative piece with no deep complex meaning. I chose this little guy to work with because his coloring was very appealing. This artwork was created with a Wacom tablet and Photoshop with inspiration from old bird books. The claw to the right is a random piece of clip art placed for texture and to give it that feeling of a an old birding journal where sketches and odd notes will appear next to more detailed drawings of birds. Finches are passerine birds, often seed-eating, found chiefly in the northern hemisphere and Africa.

Detail Image

Detail Image for art Melba Finch with Face


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