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Art Show: Wild Birds


by Kim Wyatt

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Art: Eagle by Artist Kim Wyatt
I choose the American Bald Eagle as a subject because it's a symbol for the USA, and as an image the Bald Eagle has always seems to be a wise all-seeing bird. I choose the profile image to convey a strong sense of character. The bright colors and metallic details are included to keep the image bright and possitive. This miniature painting of an American Blad Eagle is painted in acyrlic paint and metallic ink on canvas board. The background is a flat denim blue. The bird itself is a bit glossy to contrast with the blue which to my eye makes the dark sky receed into the background. The eagles head feathers are rendered in white paint with copper and gold paints and pigment powders mixed in. I like doing this because it reminds me of the sheen on a real birds feathers. The body of the bird ended up being a reddish color because it red white & blue seemed more patriotic to me than Brown red and blue.


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