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Rebecca Collins

Artist's Profile

I Create custom pet portraits from my client's regular old snapshots. My commercial portrait business Art Paw supports a variety of animal rescue groups through gift certificate and product donations. I have created a dream job for myself that combines all of my passions, Art, Animals, and my Macintosh. I received my B.F.A. from North Texas University in 1985.

My portrait work is done in Photoshop. My work is highly layered and I often work with a stylus adding hand drawn lines and "paint" drips and splatters. I print on high quality materials and work hard to make each pet portrait a unique work of art. Each piece is highly detailed with rich color and texture. I choose not to rely on filters alone to create my portraits, and strive hard to avoid a computerized look. I enjoy seeing how far I can push Photoshop and myself to create new techniques and new looks for my clients."

A Girl Can Never have too many web sites. I am addicted to making web pages. Web design is sort of a hobby and I enjoy designing new portfolios.
A few of my art web sites below:

I sell tons of different dog and cat gift art items through a great fulfillment company called Cafe

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