EBSQ's mailing lists, member lists, and addresses entered onto our site during registration are never sold, rented, traded, leased, bartered, or otherwise disclosed. We don't appreciate receiving spam, and know you don't wish to either.
EBSQ members who provide public contact information (public email address, phone numbers, addresses, web sites, etc) do so at their own risk. Members do not need to provide any public contact information, although we do require current contact information for our records for lost-password retrieval. This information is not available to the public and will not be disclosed. In the event that someone tries to contact you via our site if you have not provided public information, their message will be forwarded to the member to respect the member's privacy.
All payments made to EBSQ or for goods and services via EBSQ's website are handled by our secure third-party service provider, PayPal.com or between the artist and patron, and not by EBSQ. Any changes that need to be made to your subscription or default payment method must be done on PayPal. Any financial information that EBSQ may have access to will never be shared and will remain confidential.
EBSQ sends daily emails (Art of the Day) and periodic newsletters. To opt out of official mailings, your options include responding to one of our emails with REMOVE in the subject heading, clicking the UNSUBSCRIBE box in the email itself, or contact us directly with your request: info@ebsqart.com. We know how quickly email adds up and will be happy to accommodate you.
In the event that EBSQ's privacy policy is changed or updated, all registered users that have opted to receive EBSQ Newsletters will be notified via the email address we have on file within 10 days of the change. EBSQ is not liable for contact information which is not up to date.