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Step 3: Getting Started

Getting started with EBSQ

Here's how to get the most out of your new Paid EBSQ Artist Account:


  • Add your name, location, and a bit about yourself.
  • Upload as many or few pieces of art as you like. There are no limits to the size of your portfolio. You can even include detail images!
  • Get even more organized by creating personal galleries of your work.
  • Once uploaded, you can even create Certificates of Authenticity and auction-templates for sites like eBay direct from your portfolio tools.


  • Submit your work to one of our themed-galleries for additional site exposure. Both genre and media galleries are available. If you don't see a gallery that's right for your style, let us know!
  • Enter one (or more) of our monthly exhibits. You can win accolades and cool prizes.
  • Your portfolio will reflect your site participation: you'll see tabs automatically get added for show entries, award winning entries, and when your work is selected as Art of the Day from our themed galleries.


  • Sharing tools make it easy for you and others to promote your art on such networks as Facebook and Twitter.
  • Easily include links to your personal website, blog, and other sales and social networking spaces online.
  • Get to know other artists in the EBSQ Forums and private Facebook Group.
  • "Collect" your favourite art and artists in your own Favourites gallery.

© 2000-2024 EBSQ, LLC - All rights reserved - Original artists retain all rights
EBSQ Self Representing Artists - is a division of EBSQ, LLC