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Art Show: One Word Concept: Wanderlust

Canyon #5 (sold)

by Virginia Ann Zuelsdorf

Banner for One Word Concept: Wanderlust art show

Art: Canyon #5 (sold) by Artist Virginia Ann Zuelsdorf
This is a dreamy, romantic view of the Colorado landscape, which is in Colorado National Monument Park.

The word wanderlust originated in Germany, and comes from the German words wandern (to hike) and Lust (desire).

I used lots of glazes to do this painting. There are four or more layers of paint in most areas. Also, many of my pieces have diagonal lines to draw you into and throughout the piece.

If I were to desire a fantasy world to wander, this would be it. Candy colored mountains and licorice trees. I guess I'm a child at heart and can imagine the impossible. I'm there in my heart, are you?

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Canyon #5 (sold)

Detail Image for art Canyon #5 (sold)

Detail Image for art Canyon #5 (sold)


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