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Art Show: One Word Concept: Wanderlust

Arizona landscape (sold)

by Virginia Ann Zuelsdorf

Banner for One Word Concept: Wanderlust art show

Art: Arizona landscape (sold) by Artist Virginia Ann Zuelsdorf
Wanderlust is commonly described as a great enjoyment of strolling or wandering. Doesn't this painting make you want to explore?

In German the term has become somewhat obsolete. A more modern equivalent for the English wanderlust in the sense of "love of travel" would be Fernweh (which is literally "an ache for the distance"). This large painting has always been one of my favorites. It reminds me of that Thanksgiving Day of travel. We continued our journey to Mount Lemon, where there was snow for angel-making. I tried to let the whites of the canvas show through, so that the colors glowed. There is also a strong use of diagonals, which is common to my work. The painting is based upon my photographs and portrays the late afternoon,shadows and colors in the mountains outside of Phoenix, I saw these incredible rock formations in the setting sun. This painting is the result of that day. Needless to say, I didn't want to leave without exploring and taking tons of pictures.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Arizona landscape (sold)

Detail Image for art Arizona landscape (sold)

Detail Image for art Arizona landscape (sold)


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