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Art Show: One Word Concept: Wanderlust

Canyon #5

by Virginia Ann Zuelsdorf

Banner for One Word Concept: Wanderlust art show

Art: Canyon #5 by Artist Virginia Ann Zuelsdorf
I love the word Wanderlust. It is a strong part of me, as I am always looking around the next corner and love meandering through the countrryside.

This is one of the pieces in my western landscape series. On a trip out west, to Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona, I did a lot of hiking with my cameras in my backpack. Many of these pieces are based on my photographs.

I used many glazes of color to do this painting, which makes it glow. You can also see my strong use of diagonals, which comes to me naturally.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Canyon #5

Detail Image for art Canyon #5

Detail Image for art Canyon #5


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