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Anne's Pablo (sold)

by Dorothy Edwards

Mosaics Art Gallery

Art: Anne's Pablo (sold) by Artist Dorothy Edwards
I made this as a birthday gift for one of my mosaic buddies. Not only has she been good company, but she has a TRUCK! We just love hitting the thrift stores and having a truck has been invaluable. She is also fond of textural pieces.

First I took a Pablo Picasso stamp, a copyright free Matisse and a copyright free Signac and placed them under glass. I adhered the stamp and pictures to a wood panel. Then I added costume jewelry pieces, rhinestones, beach glass, mirror glass and tapestry mirror glass using colored mastic (colored with dry concrete pigments). I also randomly dropped opalesque paint and gold paint throughout the piece. The edges is finished in black with gold vine-like pattern.

Hope she likes!

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Anne's Pablo (sold)

Detail Image for art Anne's Pablo (sold)


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