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Genie Bling Bottle (sold)

by Dorothy Edwards

Mosaics Art Gallery

Art: Genie Bling Bottle (sold) by Artist Dorothy Edwards
This bottle is one of the bottles I collected when I am out seeking treasures in 2nd hand shops. This bottle was definitely less than perfect - it was scratched and had no stopper. Mosaicing over the less than perfect bottle, gives new life to old scratched or chipped bottles. I clean and sterilize each bottle so they can actually be used - and this one was very vexing to clean.

The shape of this bottle reminded me of the "I Dream of Jeanie" show and that gave me direction when I began selecting glass and other tesserae to cover up its sins.

I found a top that fit from an eBay seller who digs for bottles in old dump sites. I found out that there is whole community of people who dig bottles for a hobby. Bottle found in a dig at an old dump site are called a "dug" bottles. If I didn't already have enough demands on my spare time, I could see me participating in this activity.

I attched stained glass, mirror glass, jewelry findings and flat marbles to the bottle with silicone adhesive. I grouted with white grout tinted with a purple pigment.

This bottle is currently available at: Phoenix Gallery. 916-447-1632 1801 L Street #211 Sacramento, CA 95814 (on 18th between K & L st.) Sold

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Genie Bling Bottle (sold)

Detail Image for art Genie Bling Bottle (sold)


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