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Costume Jewelry Mirror II (sold)

by Dorothy Edwards

Mosaics Art Gallery

Art: Costume Jewelry Mirror II (sold) by Artist Dorothy Edwards
I often comb thrift stores, garage sales and flea markets looking for items to include in my mosaics. A few weeks ago I was at one of the giant flea markets held in Roseville and picked up a couple of lots of matched and unmatched costume jewelry. I started making these mirrors with the found loot.

This mosaic was done on the infamous IKEA 10" mirror using mastic which I colored with black concrete colorant. The jewelry pieces (earrings, watches, pendants, pins, necklaces and chains) were embedded directly into the mastic, leaving no need for grouting. Grouting this type of mosaic can be messy messy messy, due to the nooks and crannies of the jewelry.

This piece is available directly from me. $95. You may call 916-802-5238 or email me for more information. Paypal, check or money order.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Costume Jewelry Mirror II (sold)

Detail Image for art Costume Jewelry Mirror II (sold)

Detail Image for art Costume Jewelry Mirror II (sold)


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