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Vicky Knowles

Basking Ridge, NJ

My Friend Skully (Rip of Jordana Hawen)

This piece of art won Patron's Choice award in the art exhibit Ripped Off '09

Art: My Friend Skully (Rip of Jordana Hawen) by Artist Vicky Knowles
This painting is a rip of Jordana Hawen's (Sugar Coffin) work. I used two of her paintings for inspiration - "Spooky Night" and one of her Sugar Skulll paintings. I asked Jordana to do the RIP show with me because I love her use of color and imagery, her paintings make me smile.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art My Friend Skully (Rip of Jordana Hawen)

Spooky Night by Jordana Hawen

Detail Image for art My Friend Skully (Rip of Jordana Hawen)

Sugar Skull by Jordana Hawen


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