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Vicky Knowles

Basking Ridge, NJ

Chipmunk on the Moon, Twice

This piece of art won Member's Choice award in the art exhibit Reinterpreting

Art: Chipmunk on the Moon, Twice by Artist Vicky Knowles
This is my entry for the "Reinterpreting Child's Art" show. I chose a drawing my 7 year old daughter Violet drew. I just happened to find it in my sketchbook and thought it would be perfect for this show, as another scene from my "Lunchbox Gets Lost" series.

For those of you not familiar with Lunchbox, Lunchbox is a diaper-wearing chipmunk who tends to get lost. But all is ok, because when you have your lunchpail and your diaper, what more do you really need, even on the moon?

Detail Image

Detail Image for art Chipmunk on the Moon, Twice

Violet's Drawing


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