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Tina Marie Ferguson

North Carolina Foothills USA

Zombie Chicken

Exhibit Entries

Art: Zombie Chicken by Artist Tina Marie Ferguson
Meet your worst nightmare, a zombie chicken. This one is constructed of a hat and glove set along with striped socks. The body and tail are made from the hat and the hat's lining. The wings are made from the gloves and the chicken's top feathers are the thumbs from the gloves. The legs, feet and beak are a part of a pair of purple, white, black and teal striped socks. The crazy mismatched eyes are buttons accented with white stitches. A tiny red button is barely visible through the threads that bind his beak. White stitches also run down his chest and belly. Oh and he literally has knotty knees. This guy is kind of disturbing in a cute sort of way.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Zombie Chicken

Detail Image for art Zombie Chicken

Detail Image for art Zombie Chicken


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