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Tina Marie Ferguson

North Carolina Foothills USA

Geisha Monkey

Exhibit Entries

Art: Geisha Monkey by Artist Tina Marie Ferguson
GEISHA MONKEY is an original, one of a kind artist creation sock monkey doll. This is a modern version critter cousin to the well known sock monkey of yesteryear. She is made from a very soft pair of gray, pink and cream colored socks. The tail and arms are button jointed. Her traditional geisha hairstyle is crafted from a solid black sock and adorned with variegated pink embroidery threads and floral buttons. She also has the classic white lips accented by a central red heart shaped button on her very pink snout. Her eyes are black felt and green buttons and she also has a white button nose. Her black and gray print kimono is a brushed fabric lined with pink flannel with a pink flannel tie. The kimono is not removable. She has black felt flip flops on her little pink feet and holds a pink print on black paper fan.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Geisha Monkey

Button Jointed Tail

Detail Image for art Geisha Monkey

Button Jointed Arms

Detail Image for art Geisha Monkey

Feet with Flip Flops


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