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Karin Elizabeth Weiss

Annandale, Minnesota USA

Moon-face 3: Waxing Half-Moon

Art: Moon-face 3: Waxing Half-Moon by Artist Karin Elizabeth Weiss
The waxing half-moon rises around noon and hovers, translucent, in a clear daylight sky. Then, it pierces the night with its half-light, until setting shortly after midnight. Its shape suggests something of an opened cocoon, or a broken egg-- something released from containment. Like the Wildwoman Archetype, it brings a phase of "crisis in action" and marks a time for breaking free of past restrictions. It is a phase of radical, instinctive movement, made for the sake of survival, evolution, freedom. It wakens our primal hunger-- the cry of Life itself.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Moon-face 3: Waxing Half-Moon

Detail Image for art Moon-face 3: Waxing Half-Moon

Detail Image for art Moon-face 3: Waxing Half-Moon


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