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Karin Elizabeth Weiss

Annandale, Minnesota USA

Moon-face 2: Waxing Crescent

Art: Moon-face 2:  Waxing Crescent by Artist Karin Elizabeth Weiss
Following the period of New Moon darkness, a shy smile of moon appears near the western horizon at sunset. Still hidden within Earth's shadow, the moon at this stage presents a feeting, tantalizing vision. It brings a phase of instinctive, youghful, unconscious, and irrepressible activity. Thus it corresponds to the Maiden's passage in our lives-- a time of self-determined realities, untouched by worldly limits; filled with potentialities, as yet uncorrupted by society's conventional judgments.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Moon-face 2:  Waxing Crescent

Detail Image for art Moon-face 2:  Waxing Crescent

Detail Image for art Moon-face 2:  Waxing Crescent


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