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Art Show: Tangible: Art as Object

Wreath for Parmagianino

by Barbara Louise Wallace

Banner for Tangible: Art as Object art show

Art: Wreath for Parmagianino by Artist Barbara Louise Wallace
This sculpture appears to be made of bronze when in reality is has been created from paper and acrylic paint. It's metallic surface offers an invitation to touch and find out what it is really made of. Taken into one's hands the sculpture is just a few pounds, a surprise to anyone expecting bronze! In the composition one figure reaches for the next reminding us and paying homage to Parmagianino. Its title makes reference to the the great mannerist artist whose figures seem to reach and stretch to satisfy exquisite compositions which appear through deliciously painted surfaces. "Wreath for Parmagianino" is a very tangible experience!

Detail Image

Detail Image for art Wreath for Parmagianino


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