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Art Show: The Self-Portrait Show

"Theodora and the National Bird Count"

by Theodora Demetriades

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Art: Theodora and the National Bird Count by Artist Theodora Demetriades
This self-portrait was inspired by the bird count that we participate in every winter. We probably have enough bird guana in our backyard to start a fertilizer business. Our kitchen has a huge picture window and attached to one of the ledges is a feeder that allows us to watch birds up close and personal. Of course there are also the dominating grey squirrels that make it their business to try to eat all of the seeds before any birds can react to the new food. This piece is an aceo on arches hot pressed 140 lb watercolor paper. I use winsor newton and sennlier watercolors and then embellish all of my watercolors with pen and ink.


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