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Art Show: EBSQ 7th Annual Ripped Off Event

Wildebeests Renewal

by Tracey Allyn Greene

Banner for EBSQ 7th Annual Ripped Off Event art show

Art: Wildebeests Renewal by Artist Tracey Allyn Greene
Created for the EBSQ Ripped Off show 2007, this is my rip of a piece by Jen Neubauer. Jen does these fabulous pastel closeup creations of rotted fruit, so surreal. As I looked at her piece, "Kiwi Disintegrating", I began to see a landscape, and the tiny seeds reminded me of something, and I finally realized what it was. Wildebeests, migrating to water, as you see on tv from those aerial shots! So, Jen's kiwi seeds now have tiny horns and tails, and instead of something disintegrating, one sees renewal. This piece is mixed media, watercolor, watercolor pencil, acrylic and oil pastel on 300# watercolor paper. Thanks for ripping with me Jen!

Detail Image

Detail Image for art Wildebeests Renewal

Jen's Kiwi


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