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Art Show: More Than Birth: Matriarchs, Mothers And Mothering

To Be Needed is Sometimes Enough

by Dawn Lee Thompson

Banner for More Than Birth: Matriarchs, Mothers And Mothering art show

Art: To Be Needed is Sometimes Enough by Artist Dawn Lee Thompson
This is mother and child themed bowl was created for House of Hope, a charity that provides housing and job training and placement services to homeless mothers of young children. It was inspired by a dear friend, herself a single mother, who is a social worker there. As the title indicates, to be needed, for a mother, is sometimes enough to provide strength and resilience to overcome the most seemingly insurmountable circumstances. How fortunate there are places like House of Hope, and people like my friend, to help those desperate to help themselves and their children. Turquoise, black, bronze and gold glasses were hand cut, ground and assembled, then kiln fired and slowly annealed to fuse into a single slab of glass. The art is then kiln fired again to slump into the bowl shape, creating a durable and functional work of art.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art To Be Needed is Sometimes Enough

Detail Image for art To Be Needed is Sometimes Enough

Detail Image for art To Be Needed is Sometimes Enough


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