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Art Show: Flower of the Month: Carnivorous Plants

Picture Plant Detail

by Toni M Chiapelli

Banner for Flower of the Month: Carnivorous Plants art show

Art: Picture Plant Detail by Artist Toni M Chiapelli
The picture plant is a wonderful and graceful carnivorous plant. With a family background in gardening, I became fascinated in documenting the cycle of life. More oftentimes than not, an artist is only interested in depicting life in it's prime. Artistically and personally I have chosen to honor ALL aspects of life as this lovely black and white photograph shows. The picture plant is a very interesting plant. It shoots up tall stalks from the base. As ants, flies and bees land along the edge and enter through the top, the inside follicles impede the insect from leaving. Soon enough, the plant begins to digest the nutrients from the insect and the dried remains are left. This feeds the growth of future stalks. When the stalks become full, they simply dry and fall away. The beautiful curves of the top of the shoot are what you see in this lovely black and white photo. In the photo I have tried to depict the beauty of something that is so primally understood - the focus is on the lip of the plant and the soft folds that surround. Most of my work is feminine in nature, and I realize that this too has a type of sensuality.

This is available as a limited edition museum quality photograph. Current number is 1/80. Please direct inquires to the artist at Thank you.


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