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Art Show: Alphabet: Typography Incorporated into Art

Blue series #1: Azul

by Ronda Kivett

Banner for Alphabet: Typography Incorporated into Art art show

Art: Blue series #1: Azul by Artist Ronda Kivett
"Azul "
This is the first mixed media collage in the Blue series.Various ephemera, sheet music, found words/objects, small letter tiles, beads, wire and acrylics have been used in this piece.

Sold Written or found words are an important part of many of my art pieces. Often times the background text can give a subtle hint of what thoughts I'm trying to convey or I'll bring the words to the foreground to shout my message.In this piece I have done both. The background has itself become part of the art with a blue colorwash while the words in the foreground ask you to focus on the girl by stating "AQUI" which translates to HERE in English.



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