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Art Show: One Word Concept: Liberty

Was it Liberty?

by Jody Bill

Banner for One Word Concept: Liberty art show

Art: Was it Liberty?  by Artist Jody Bill

This piece is about the wars fought and those we are still fighting. "Liberty" is not an easy word to define. We have fought many wars to be Liberated, but behind the walls there are a lot of people that are suffering. The US obtained "Liberty" from England, but the Country they claimed their own, was really the home of the Indians, whom they massacred. The Japanese originally traveled from China to find everlasting youth, but didn't, and never went back to China, to protect themselves, from death. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were bombed with mass destruction after they attacked Pearl Harbor. A large amount of Naval officers my father graduated with, from Annapolis in 1940's, were killed in Pearl Harbor. A friend of my parents, a priest, who was on my father's ship, was invited to stay overnight, but he went back on board 'The Oklahoma' ....he died...the ship overturned. My father was in a boat going to the ship in the morning, when it was bombed, he lived until 1990's. An artist friend of mine's father was a prisoner in Japan., and survived. I was always proud of being born another country, even after children made fun of me. We have and have had many soldiers that are not even US citizens. Why not? I also wonder why, with the economy in struggle, we import so much and not support our own farmers. The trade we were proud of is going and its beautiful ground with all the different color squares, with all the different food.

In the 'Ghost Dance at Wounded Knee' in 1890 the Brule Sioux were massacred. In the story told by Dick Fool Bull, he spoke of himself at the age of 6 seeing the attack on the Wounded Knee. At the end of his story he speaks of seeing a child in it's mother's arms nursing with a tiny beaded cap with the design of the American Flag.

The stage of 'Liberty,' it's level today, is way beyond the tea tax. I think we have learned more about understanding and except the differences in the USA, we are a young country. We need to help undeveloped countries like Africa... I hope their history, their stories, don't get lost in the age we live in today.

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Detail Image for art Was it Liberty?

Detail Image for art Was it Liberty?


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