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Vicky Knowles

Basking Ridge, NJ

Uney in the Magical Forest

This piece of art won Cloud's Mention award in the art exhibit Mythological Creatures

Art: Uney in the Magical Forest by Artist Vicky Knowles
I know you're probably thinking, "How can that be a unicorn, I don't see any hearts or rainbows?!"  Well I really tried to convince Uney to pose with a rainbow in the Magic Forest, but he wasn't having any of it, he said that's "sissy stuff" and I could count him out (his words, not mine!!)!  Apparently Uney is a "REAL" unicorn, not like what you see in those fantasy stories (plus it was night and there aren't many rainbows at night anyway, fantasy or no).  He didn't want me to take this picture but I had to prove I saw him, right?  He was actually quite mad and stormed out, didn't see me snap this picture as he was trotting down the path with his flower and his basket of treats.  He'd be so mad if he knew I was showing this online, but maybe he won't find out.   Unicorns can be so thoughtful and mysterious.

I don't think that octopus was expecting to be caught on camera either, probably thought he was safe behind that tree, what a  sneak!


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