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Vicky Knowles

Basking Ridge, NJ

Funhouse Wibbles

This piece of art won Cloud's Mention award in the art exhibit Ripped Off '14

Art: Funhouse Wibbles by Artist Vicky Knowles

What the...???!!!  

I know what you're thinking - What diabolical  trickery has landed our heroes in so dire a predicament?  The look of abject terror in their eyes is heartbreaking.  Poor Bloo is in shock - she doesn't even recognize herself!  Lunchbox is, well, Lunchbox is always Lunchbox - can't count on him for drama.  Sparky looks like he's seen a ghost, and the Squid - I won't even go there.  And that new guy - just so scared :(

But relax everyone!  Take a deep breath and remember that this is Wibbley World, where nothing bad happens!  The Wibbles were at a carnival and wandered into the Funhouse Hall of Mirrors, and got confused.  Lunchbox has his lunchpail and his diaper, and so everything will be all right!!

This is my entry in the EBSQ's Ripped Off show.  I have reinterpreted Heather Sims' fabulous painting of elongated cat figures, it's called "Polish Pottery LI", please see the detail picture to see the painting which inspired  "Funhouse Wibbles".

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Funhouse Wibbles

The new guy - scared out of his wits!

Detail Image for art Funhouse Wibbles

Lunchbox - calm as always, and poor demented Bloo

Detail Image for art Funhouse Wibbles

The inspiration behind this madness - Polish Pottery LI by Heather Sims!


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