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Illinois USA


Art: RedWood by Artist Patience

My partner for my second entry into this year's RIPPED-OFF exhibit was the wonderful pastel artist and painter, Tina Calderin of GalleryT....

So many lovely pieces to choose from in Tina's EBSQ portfolio, but I finally decided upon her painting, 'Wood Nymph', to RIP, attracted as I was to her flowing, flaming hair and captivating blue eyes, but also to the intriguing way in which Tina painted a floral arched 'frame' as part of her painting's background...

I have recently begun painting almost exclusively on supports I create myself utilizing the old, salvaged wooden picture frames that cross my path from time to time (usually for free).  I feel good about giving these unwanted homeless items a second life, not only because trees were cut down at some point to produce them, but also because by the time I get my hands on them they are usually destined for the landfill.  The process of recycling these vintage frames into painting supports/canvases is a lengthy one, typically involving stabilizing the frames (which can be quite rickety), cutting thick paperboard to fit, securing it all and pasting and building up a painting surface with layers of overlapping scraps of paper.  The end effect is a highly textured surface that adds dimension and depth to my paintings, complete with a built-in frame (onto which I often extend my painted images, incorporating the frames into the overall piece) into one cohesive, ready-to-hang whole....

Interpreting Tina's 'Wood Nymph', I used one of these hand-constructed, repuposed framed painting supports as my canvas, concentrating on her subject's beautiful hair color, cascading waves and serene expression, while including my own version of a painted floral frame using the same hues as Tina's (including her bold red background).....

Detail Images

Detail Image for art RedWood

Side View of Painted Frame

Detail Image for art RedWood

My RIP inspiration, Tina Calderin's painting, 'Wood Nymph'...

Detail Image for art RedWood

Close up detail showing textured, built-up painting surface


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