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Artist's Profile

Fascinated by art since my earliest years, I find for my own well-being, I really must have several creative projects going on all at once, in various stages of completion, at any given time .....

My name is Patience, and I am an artist living in the American Midwest. Having always an artistic bent, I formally studied painting, design and sculpting at the University of Illinois, while pursuing my Bachelor's in Interior Design. Today I continue my exploration into fine art, sculpture, mask making, and illustration within my own home studio. As a mother, I often found myself looking to my children for inspiration over the years, whenever they invited me to join their imaginative play, or we pondered together the natural world and its enchanting secrets. I also frequently find myself drawn to another favorite subject -- the map of the human face....

Concerned as I am about our fragile environment, I'm feeling ever increasingly compelled to recycle, reclaim and re-purpose materials whenever possible in regards to my creative expression....

In 2009 I was diagnosed with breast cancer, spending the better part of the following year and beyond in various treatments and recoveries. Today I celebrate my Survivorship, happy as I am to have it all behind me, as I resumed my regularly scheduled Life....


To view examples of my work, please click on my portfolio tab above ....and many thanks for visiting my gallery....

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EBSQ Self Representing Artists - is a division of EBSQ, LLC