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Illinois USA

NFAC: 'Moths to Flame'

Art: NFAC:  'Moths to Flame' by Artist Patience
"....This month's Nibblefest theme, 'The Elements', was quite different than usual.  Being as that there are four classical elements (Fire, Water, Earth, Air), we were allowed to enter a total of four pieces rather than the usual limit of three, provided that each pertained to a separate element.  This is my entry for 'Fire'.

When contemplating 'Fire', it brought to mind my own children.  When my kids were small, they were absolutely fascinated with fire.  Camp fires, cookouts, the gas stove, birthday candles -- ALL of it attracted my children, as I used to say, 'like moths to flame'.  And they could never seem to resist 'experimenting'.  For years  I would be given nice scented candles as gifts, but never felt comfortable burning them around the house because I knew in short order my kids would show huff and puff upon the flame, to poke their little fingers into the melted wax, or tilt the candle to make the wax run or the flame flicker.  It was enough to drive me bananas!  I was just afraid they might hurt themselves.  Happily nowadays they are WELL over that particular stage in life, but I will never forget those long years of my own two little "moths"....."


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