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Art of the Day: Wednesday February 24, 2010

"My Name Is No"

- by Tracey Allyn Greene

This week's theme: One Word Concept

Some weeks, the Art of the Day theme is nothing more than a randomly selected word typed into the search box for the EBSQ galleries. This week we present some of the art found when we used the word "rock" for our search.

Art: My Name Is No by Artist Tracey Allyn Greene
For the August 2007 Nibblefest Art Contest on Ebay, theme Illustrate a Poem or Story. My husband Bil, a wonderful writer, wrote this poem about our dog Gumbo, a little Jack Russell terrier mix. Gumbo came to us from my friend and former boss, a veterinarian, who took in his pregnant mom that was dumped at our vet clinic. Gumbo and his brothers and sisters were born on the second day in January 2001, and I gave in and picked him out as ours when he was but a day old. Full of energy from the start, and my tireless walking partner these days along with his buddy Mardi Gras, Bil and I were convinced when Gumbo was a pup that he would end up thinking his name was "no". Hence the poem below.... I am a puppy. My name is No. And every day, I feel myself grow. I bounce off the walls. I zip out the door. I fly through the air. I mess on the floor. I chase my own tail around and around. When I go outside, I dig in the ground. My owner chases after me howling my name. "No, don't do that," he says, but I do it just the same. "No, don't chase the cat." "No, don't roll in the dirt." "No, give me back my hat." "No, let go of my shirt." I don't know why I act up. I can't seem to stop. I have so my energy that I think I'm going to pop. I try to be good. But then I just go faster. And before you know it, there's another disaster. When I eat, I chew as hard as I can. When I nap, I crash right where I am. Here comes my owner now and I don't know what I've done. But whatever it was, I am sure that it was loads of fun. He holds me close. He pats my head. He rubs my nose, At the foot of his bed "Goodnight Gumbo," he says from his pillow. "I love you so much, my funny little fellow." Was he talking to me? I think in the dark. It makes me so happy. I almost start to bark. He didn't use my name when he said that he loved me. But before I close my eyes I figure out the mystery. My name is not No. My name is Gumbo. And now I will sleep and dream of tomorrow. - w.d. greene 2001 This is an original TagsCats river rock portrait of my dog Gumbo as a puppy, painted in acrylics on a river rock. These art rocks look great on your desk, mantle, coffeetable, or shelf. This one measures 5.5"x4.5" and weighs approximately 2.75 pounds. It is sprayed with a varnish, and best kept indoors to keep the colors fresh and bright. It is signed and dated on the underside. A copy of the poem will be enclosed with the rock portrait to the winning bidder. This is my entry in the Nibblefest Art Contest. There are other entries for you to choose from with each entry title containing the word NFAC. Please be sure to search for NFAC to see more great entries. We appreciate it!

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