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Art of the Day: Tuesday March 23, 2010

The Darkness Broke 2

- by Aimee Marie Wheaton

This week's theme: The Sky

It doesn't matter where you are. It doesn't matter if it's night or day. It doesn't matter how old you are. It doesn't matter if it is the past or the present. It was, is and will be there. Whether it seems a vast and endless mystery or a comforting dome under which we dwell, we look to the sky and we are captivated.

Art: The Darkness Broke 2 by Artist Aimee Marie Wheaton
I took this photo in February of 2009 in Holland at my brother's wedding. As the bride and groom walked by we all released white balloons to the sky. It was such a grey day out and the balloons were such a contrast to the sky. Wonderful memories, wonderful day. They finally found love and the darkness broke from their singleness. Edited in Photoshop CS3.


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