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Art of the Day: Friday June 02, 2017

Mr. Owl and the Night Shift

- by Sherry Key

This week's theme: Night

The night. Some welcome it and some fear it. The world changes when the sun goes down. It looks different - angles soften, features in the landscape blur and disappear. Sounds are different in the night.and colours start to change as the sun leaves the sky. And it's not just appearances that alter. Everything seems to behave differently. The wind isn't the same. The trees don't sway as they do in the daylight. People walk with a slightly different gait and and are more likely move about in small groups. Night time has always been otherworldly and no matter how many electric lights burn or how bustling the streets may be, that will never change.

Art: Mr. Owl and the Night Shift by Artist Sherry Key
"Drudgery" a Limerick

There once was a night owl named Lee.

He worked every night until three.

He never got breaks,

nor craves could he slake,

or leave his darn desk for a pee.


Copyright Skey...(-:  



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