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Art of the Day: Friday June 23, 2017

Nibblefest Art Contest, ACEO: 'City Music'

- by Patience

This week's theme: woman

noun | wom·an | \'wu?-m?n, especially Southern 'wo- or 'w?-\
plural women \'wi-m?n\
1. an adult female person

Art: Nibblefest Art Contest, ACEO:  'City Music' by Artist Patience
An ACEO entry for May 2011's Nibblefest Art Contest (NFAC) (the theme for May being 'Village or Townscape') , features a busker on a bridge, with the cityscape behind her.....

Having lived in the megalopolis of Chicago for several years, one of the things I remember fondly about city life were the snatches of music I would encounter in the subway or on the streets by the buskers -- those street musicians known for setting up little corners for themselves and performing for donations by passersby.  The music was always something I could appreciate, especially upon negotiating my way home from a long day of work downtown -- and I always tried to give a little something in return, if even only a few pieces of change from deep within my pockets...

Detail Image

Detail Image for art Nibblefest Art Contest, ACEO:  'City Music'

Second Place Award


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