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Art of the Day: Sunday May 15, 2011


- by Melia Dawn Newman

This week's theme: In the Mood for Something Different

No two days are the same. In fact, each day of the week is quite unlike the other six days. Since each day is unique, each selection for this week's Art of the Day will be distinctly different from the other six selections.

Art: AlongCameASpiderB by Artist Melia Dawn Newman
This painting was created for the Enchanted Visions Project theme Along Came A Spider.  I decided to interpret Little Miss Muffet in a steam punk theme and not the sort of gal to get scared and run away.
The spider is a metal robot spider.  Or should we call it a spy bot.
She was painted on hot press watercolor paper.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art AlongCameASpiderB


Detail Image for art AlongCameASpiderB


Detail Image for art AlongCameASpiderB



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