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Art Show: Zombie Chickens

Zombie Chicken (sold)

by Alma Lee

Banner for Zombie Chickens art show

Art: Zombie Chicken (sold) by Artist Alma Lee
I am generally not very involved in the Horror films, or the dark art as they call it. But something awhile back simply got stuck in my head. It was a story by Joseph Callahan entitled Zombie Chickens. It was a very good yarn making Zombie Chickens seem quite plausible. Heck what do i know they probably do exist! Anyway just my luck, my image of Zombie Chickens as it would turn out is not frightening at all, but kinda funny looking, and something I wouldn't mind milling around in my coop. Hmm do Zombie Chickens lay eggs? Now there is a scary thought!

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Zombie Chicken (sold)

Detail Image for art Zombie Chicken (sold)

Detail Image for art Zombie Chicken (sold)


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