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Art Show: Under the Knife: The Knife Painting Show

Turner Beach

by Rebecca M Ronesi-Gutierrez

Banner for Under the Knife: The Knife Painting Show art show

Art: Turner Beach by Artist Rebecca M Ronesi-Gutierrez
I traveled throughout the Caribbean Island throughout the years. Upon arriving on the Island of Antigua, I asked a local for a less travel beach. He took me to Turner Beach. I was amazed by its beauty and silence. I sat in the sand and watched the waves gracefully lap on shore. The sun made the sand sparkle as if it were dusted in diamonds. This was my inspiration for this piece. Included in the painting is actual sand and layers of pearls, silver and gold glass highlighted throughout with thick heavy gloss. I used a great deal of molding paste and heavy gel gloss in this piece. It is quite heavy in comparison to my other works. It looks wonderful separated as shown or put back together. This piece can be very large and will work well over a headboard, over a mantel or on any large wall. The canvas is completely wrapped around the stretchers ready to be hung. The entire painting has been triple sprayed with Artists Gloss Varnish to protect it for years to come. Thank you for taking the time to view my work. THIS PIECE WAS SOLD AS OF 6-2006, THANK YOU.

Detail Image

Detail Image for art Turner Beach



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