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Art Show: Under the Knife: The Knife Painting Show

Prospectus and Entry Instructions

Exhibit Entries accepted from 6/1/2008 to 6/30/2008.

Banner for Under the Knife: The Knife Painting Show art show


palette knife
n. A knife with a thin flexible blade, used by artists for mixing, scraping, or applying paint.

EBSQ has done media specific shows in the past, but this time we are presenting an implement specific show. The implement – a palette knife. Your mission - to create a painting using a palette knife. If you have a palette knife, go get it. If you don’t have a palette knife, go get one. You need one for this show.

Here is what you have to know: At least 2/3 of your painting must be obviously done with a palette knife. There are no media or theme requirements. Those points are up to you, but you should include information on both in your artist’s statement. If you find that you have any impressions or feelings about working with a palette knife, include those as well.

If you'd like some guidance on using a palette knife, we invite you to check out last month's palette knife demo by Aja Apa-Soura. She uses a palette knife almost exclusively and her presentation is detailed and very easy to follow.

As always, an artist’s statement is required for your work to be eligible. Please include the dates of your work. Since texture is a hallmark of this painting methodology, we request you include detail shots of your work. All points of the prospectus should be met. If you have any questions regarding the prospectus and its requirements, please send them to

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