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Art Show: Me, Myself, and I: The Self-Portrait Show

Out for a Walk

by Robbin-Art

Banner for Me, Myself, and I: The Self-Portrait Show art show

Art: Out for a Walk by Artist Robbin-Art
This painting represents one of my earliest memories ~ of myself. My Mum had put me down for a nap and at some point I got out of bed. I think I was about two years old. I remember I wanted to go shopping to buy a gift for her. I put on my shoes and got my little purse and left the house. When my Mum came to check on me, I was gone! She called my father at work and all the neighbors. Nobody had seen me (I was known for following our neighbor's St. Bernard home sometimes). She called the police and eventually everyone found me ~ Naked! (except for my shoes and purse) I had walked down into a ditch and was happily walking back and forth ~ 'shopping'.


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