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Art Show: Me, Myself, and I: The Self-Portrait Show

Knew You Could

by Linda Womack

Banner for Me, Myself, and I: The Self-Portrait Show art show

Art: Knew You Could by Artist Linda Womack
As I get older it fascinates me to see that the traits I had as a young girl are still just as prevalent today. I recently found one of my report cards from first grade that said "practical, dependable and tenacious -- that's Linda!" It reminded me of the childhood story represented in this piece. I wanted to finally try to record my memory of this to remind myself of what I'm capable of when I really put my mind to it. When my husband saw this he told me that I still give people that same look today when told I can't do something.

The process: I use found images and those I create myself and scan them into a computer along with three-dimensional objects that may have relevance. The stories sometimes come first, other times they evolve out of the visual collections I’ve gathered. My Fragments series, represented here, is an attempt to capture not just memories themselves, but the feeling of those memories. It is my attempt to capture that murky merging of images, stories and emotions that are forever attached to the memories that make us who we are.

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