I have chosen this image of a Hibiscus flower because of its flowing, dance-like motion, plus its unusual color. On one hand, I thought, I would show a different, unusual variety of this plant's blooming wonder. On the other hand, I am also presenting the possibility that not all familiar flowers always look alike. I am sure most people have seen the red Hibiscus flower, with huge velvety petals and a slender, graceful, extended centerpiece reaching out, most likely to facilitate impollination by local worker bees. Not many people know, however, that this is the national flower of Malaysia and that is it used, medicinally, to treat a variety of conditions: liver problems, amenorrhea (lack of menses), inflamation and dehydration. Want to taste it in a tea? Try Red Zinger or ask for Red Hibiscus tea in your local Herbs shop.
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