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Art Show: Encircled: Necklaces, Bracelets, & Rings

Squash Blossom Look-Alike Necklace

by Sparkle Plenty Fine Beaded Jewellery

Banner for Encircled: Necklaces, Bracelets, & Rings art show

Art: Squash Blossom Look-Alike Necklace by Artist Sparkle Plenty Fine Beaded Jewellery
It took me FOREVER to craft this paean to Navajo jewellery, and the image doesn't do it justice. The piece was made for a competition that limited the types of materials I could use in construction, and silver, turquoise and coral were not among my choices. (My best advice to you is NEVER to issue such a challenge to me; it only makes me angry.) Nothing daunted, I used three sizes of light grey crystal pearls, for the silver bits, and Swarovski turquoise and dark red coral crystal beads to represent the inlays. Then I took a well-deserved nap!


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