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Veronique Perron

Montreal, Qc Canada

LA VIE EN COULEURS! (Life in colors!)

Exhibit Entries

Art: LA VIE EN COULEURS! (Life in colors!) by Artist Veronique Perron
This painting is titled "La vie en couleurs! (Life in colors!)". It is a bright and colorful painting that I thought would fit the Sideshow theme well. I love to paint 3-eyed animals and cyclops and dancing monkeys! There is a lot of circus sideshows themes in my art, and this is one of my 2 favorite paintings to show for the sideshow show!!

Detail Images

Detail Image for art LA VIE EN COULEURS! (Life in colors!)

Detail Image for art LA VIE EN COULEURS! (Life in colors!)

Detail Image for art LA VIE EN COULEURS! (Life in colors!)


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