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Tina Marie Ferguson

North Carolina Foothills USA

Dali Scarecrow

Art: Dali Scarecrow by Artist Tina Marie Ferguson
Since our school drafted me to create their yearly scarecrow for the local fall festival scarecrow contest, I chose to tie it to a famous artist. This is the artist Dali, only one of his arms is a tree limb drapped with the signature Dali melted watch. The skeleton of this scarecrow is pvc pipe dressed in real clothes. The limb is also pvc pipe wrapped with paper and other found stuff and finally covered with masking tape pieces. This was then primed and painted. The head was constructed the same way, except the base was a styrofoam. The clock is two sheets of primed canvas stuffed and finished with pipe insulation foam covered with aluminum foil. All the students worked on this piece in some way and were excited when he took 2nd place in the contest.


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