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Rita C. Ford

Nashville, TN USA

Monarch Butterfly

Art: Monarch Butterfly by Artist Rita C. Ford
One year I wanted to attract butterflies to my water garden so I planted a couple of packs of butterfly milkweed seeds. These butterfly plants are plentiful along highways and the countryside of rural Tennessee where I grew up. I carefully took care of the plants for weeks. Then, about the time the plants were ready to bloom, they were suddenly covered with huge yellow and white striped caterpillars which stripped the plants of all their leaves almost overnight. I was very distressed until after some research I discovered that I had unknowingly attracted the Monarch butterfly caterpillars to my garden who feed exclusively on milkweed plants. The results are that I have Monarch Butterflies flitting around my garden each year.

This butterfly is attracted to a bright red zinnia. The main colors in this palette are: sap green, naphthol crimson, cadmium orange, cadmium yellow, burnt sienna, Paynes gray, mars black and white.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art <b>Monarch Butterfly

Detail Image for art <b>Monarch Butterfly

Detail Image for art <b>Monarch Butterfly


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