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Art: From the Wings  by Artist Patience
This piece, featuring three corps de ballet dancers just offstage observing a performance in progress and awaiting their cues, reflects the appreciation I have developed personally over the years for the fascinating happenings that transpire beyond the curtain during the staging of the theatrical performing arts....

Involved as I am with a local dance company, I have spent considerable time over the years helping to build props and sets for performances, as well as aiding in backstage management and direction during shows. As such, while I have come to truly appreciate and value the artistry of classical ballet itself, I now also fully understand the considerable amount of work and dedication that goes into a full-scale, theatrical ballet production -- the many long hours of rehearsing and costuming, of watching, and waiting. In addition, I find the contrast of the control and exacting beauty of the story unfolding on-stage during dance performances that the ticket holder experiences, versus the chaos and pandemonium that may be happening simultaneously only yards away just offstage (and out of sight), a truly fascinating juxtaposition....

I appreciate the many opportunities I have had by now to experience and observe these very elements in action, just beyond the curtains, offstage and from the wings....


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