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Illinois USA

Lion Painted Rock

Art: Lion Painted Rock by Artist Patience

I found this rock a number of years ago and recognised immediately what  looked to me like the face of a lion in its natural form and shapely contours.  The nose, the ears, the shape of the face, plus a very sumptuous and well-defined  mane -- all was there already naturally sculpted into the rock.   I made several attempts over the years to bring the lion out with paint, but was never really satisfied with my efforts.  That is until this past month when I really studied the rock and all its lumps and bumps in detail, working with them instead of trying to force it. It also helped that I stopped being lazy and actually looked up photographic reference material instead of just trying to 'wing it'.  In any case, figurative rocks are pretty rare, I so consider this rock a very special find.  The following is my usual blurb about my approach to painting rocks:

Typically, a rock... is just a rock. But sometimes, when luck smiles upon me, very special ones reveal themselves. Then I 'see' Rock People, little figures hidden within the naturally formed bumps, corners and crevices of ordinary stones -- Nature's very own sculpture. With the help of a bit of paint, I enjoy 'liberating' these unique wee folk for others to enjoy as well..... 

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Lion Painted Rock

View from the Left Side

Detail Image for art Lion Painted Rock

View from the Right Side

Detail Image for art Lion Painted Rock



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