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Illinois USA

"Nevermore": Edgar Allan Poe Tribute Portrait

Art: Nevermore: Edgar Allan Poe Tribute Portrait by Artist Patience

My entry for this month's Nibblefest Art Contest (NFAC),  the theme for November being 'Two or More Creatures Mixed Together", features a tribute portrait of the esteemed American author and poet, Edgar Allan Poe.  Painted in acrylics on a recycled, 6.5" x 8.5"  vintage wood plaque, this original is signed and ready to hang.

Click here for auction link

Click here to read my blog post about this piece

Allow me to introduce "Ravenpoe" (kind of like "Ivanhoe", but not...).  A corvid/Edgar Allan Poe hybrid, he perches high upon a tree branch, soaking up the moonlight while contemplating the maudlin and the macabre.  Painted as a loving ode to E. A. Poe's much beloved, classic poem, "The Raven", I'm hoping you enjoy this piece as much as I did painting it (to note, this is my second Edgar Allan Poe tribute -- the first one can be seen here....).

"ONCE upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary, 
Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore,— 
While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping, 
As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door. 
"'T'is some visitor," I muttered, "tapping at my chamber door;        
    Only this and nothing more..........."  ~The Raven, by E.A.Poe

Detail Images

Detail Image for art

Side View: showing the painted, curvey wood plaque sides

Detail Image for art


Detail Image for art



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