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Illinois USA

"Animal Farm Gothic"

Art: Animal Farm Gothic by Artist Patience

My entry for the Nibblefest Art Contest March 2016 theme, "Farm Animals", is my personal little tribute to the 1945 book by British author, George Orwell.   The following was my auction description...:

For further details regarding the backstory of this piece, refer to my blog post HERE.

It didn't take long at all to come up with a concept for this month's theme.  A mere flip-flopping of the words "Farm Animals" instantly gave me "Animal Farm" and I was off and running.  I first read George Orwell back in high school and have been a fan ever since, so I was very happy indeed to have occasion to pay him my own little personal tribute.  Thus we have here a portrait of the writer along with a main character of his classic "Animal Farm" tale, the commanding and power-hungry pig named Napoleon. They stand in front of a windmill, which features prominently in the storyline.  (And of course, because I love my little artistic 'mash-ups', guess I just couldn't resist tossing in an additional loving, if cheeky, reference to what has to be one of the most iconic farmers in art history (...and with sincerest apologies to artist, Grant Wood, of the 1935 masterpiece, "American Gothic"!) )

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