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Noelle Hunt

Toronto, ON CANADA

Emerald the Enchanting Witch

Art: Emerald the Enchanting Witch by Artist Noelle Hunt
Emerald the Enchanting Witch™ was made by Girls World, a Milton Bradley™ company, in 1972. She stood a little over 6-inches tall (with her hat), with purple skin and green hair. She came dressed in traditional witch attire updated to “Mod” by her short black dress, long black boots and purple flower in her tall pointed hat.

The really cool thing about Emerald was her eyes. The Sparkly yellow green eye make up is enhanced when you snap an AA battery in her back and her emerald eyes light up and flicker! What girl could resist that!

This original oil painting is my portrait of Emerald, The sweetest of all the witches. Inspired by my love of all things kitsch, the Nibblefest theme of “Shadows”, and upcoming Halloween festivities, I wanted Emerald to look slightly spooky while maintaining her lovability. I really like the tiny sparks of light shown in her eyes, as if in preview of her true magical abilities

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Emerald the Enchanting Witch

sparkly eyes!

Detail Image for art Emerald the Enchanting Witch

Shadows hide all kinds of magic!

Detail Image for art Emerald the Enchanting Witch

who can resist that hat?


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