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Noelle Hunt

Toronto, ON CANADA

Alice IN Wonderland

Art: Alice IN Wonderland by Artist Noelle Hunt
Alice In Wonderland, a hand painted altered art doll. Alice stands approximately 7 to 10 inches tall. She has been primed with plastic primer to seal her, then painted in acrylics. She has the big eyed art style that is so close to my heart. He skirt is fabric, and is not removable.

She is intended as a work of art, not as a children's play toy. Her paint work should be pretty sturdy but would not hold up under a lot of rough handling.

This is another in my series of "Dime Store Dollies" .I find one of the ugly clone dolls from the local dollar store and turn it into art work. Trying to make something beautiful from something not so beautiful.. I'm also trying to keep more plastic from entering land fill. These dolls usually end up being played with for a few days then discarded.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Alice IN Wonderland

Detail Image for art Alice IN Wonderland

Detail Image for art Alice IN Wonderland


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